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Donate to Leela

We are most grateful for your support, which enables our mission of preserving, promoting, and presenting varied artistic traditions.


The donation you make to Leela Foundation are tax-deductible.


Make a contribution via PayPal by clicking the button below.


You can also mail your tax-deductible donations to:

Leela Foundation

105 Greymist Lane

Cary, NC 27518


You may specify your gift to a particular program:

Education – You can help us digitize years of artistic history and make them available online.

                       Build collection of books, videos and audios.

Baithak Series – You can help support performing artists.

Leela Art Club – You can help build art supplies.  


Please make your gift today.


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Support Leela Foundation

Leela Foundation Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


©2020 by Leela Foundation Inc.

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